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It's Time To Get Lippy

Throughout May, we'll be donating 10% of our Knicker sales to the Eve Appeal's Get Lippy Campaign to fund world class research to stop gynae cancers before they start.

The Eve Appeal is the only UK national charity raising awareness and funding research into the prevention and early diagnosis of the five gynaecological cancers – womb, ovarian, cervical, vulval and vaginal. It was set up to save lives by funding ground-breaking research focused on developing effective methods of risk prediction, earlier detection and developing screening for these cancers.

Throughout May, we’re teaming up with gynaecological cancer charity The Eve Appeal to Get Lippy and get loud about gynae cancers. And, to help raise money to fund Eve’s world class research to stop these cancers before they start, we’ll be donating 10% of our Knicker sales.

For too long, gynaecological health has been seen as a taboo subject.

We’re joining The Eve Appeal to lift the veil of shame surrounding gynae health and to do that we need to know our bodies, feel comfortable talking about them, and spread the knowledge to you, our LL Family, and your loved ones.

To break down taboos we need all of society to join the conversation, no longer can gynae health be seen as just ‘women’s problems’, we need everyone to Get Lippy and we need YOU to start those conversations. Opening up a conversation with your nearest and dearest could save a life.

Together we can break down the taboo around gynaecological health and stop these cancers before they start.

To get involved buy a set of 3 Love Leggings Knickers and we'll donate 10% of the sale to The Eve Appeal. Plus look out for #GetLippy on social media.

The Knicker Collection


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