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The courier has lost my parcel, what happens now?

If you do not receive your parcel, please do get in touch with our Customer Care Team and we will do everything we can to get the parcel back to you. We deal with this on a case-by-case basis and, where necessary, we will open investigations with our courier to locate your parcel. 

If you are required to sign a Denial of Receipt form, please ensure this is returned back to us within 5 working days. If not, the investigation will be closed by the courier and cannot be reopened.

Please note: You must reach out to us within 14 days of your parcel showing as delivered on your tracking. This is to ensure that we can investigate thoroughly. LOVALL cannot be held responsible for any lost or stolen goods outside of this 14 day period.

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Customer Service Hours

Monday / Friday - 8:30am - 4:30pm Saturday & Sunday - CLOSED

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